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lunes, 16 de mayo de 2022

AFV Planet - Articles Vol. 2

 (Versión en español del libro aquí)

The English version of the 2nd volume of AFV Planet - Articles is here. This new book compiles 9 modelling articles on models built between 2017 and 2020. It consists of 161 pages profusely illustrated with hundreds of photographs showing the assembly and painting process. Most of these articles are published for the first time in English.

Without neglecting a quality build, the focus of these articles is again on the description of the painting process which is profusely illustrated and in the vast majority of cases accompanied by "step-by-step" photographs. Thus, this book contains hundreds of images that explain in detail the techniques and procedures used, all accompanied by clear and direct descriptive texts. In addition, and despite the fact that our hobby is eminently visual, I have tried to introduce each article with interesting texts that put in context the machine represented, the scenario in which it was used or the historical moment in which it is situated. It also includes several photographic set-ups which, in what I believe to be a rather attractive way, contribute to imagining the environment in which the real vehicle may have been located.

In most cases, the models are placed on a small, more or less complicated scenic base and are always accompanied by figures that again help to contextualise and animate the work. The historical period in which they are set is the final part of the Second World War, on the Western Front, with German, US and British vehicles. As for the scales, the 1/35 scale dominates, but there are also examples of 1/48 and 1/72 scale models that show the potential of the kits available today in these small scales.

The book ends with an epilogue where the painting techniques used are listed and described in a correlative way, with indications of the page in the book where the technique in question is illustrated in detail. The aim is to suggest a sequence of steps which are basically those used to achieve the results shown in the book.

The file is intended to be viewed on a 1920x1080 pixel (HD) screen with excellent image quality, although in most cases it will support enlargements. It works with almost all PDF viewers (e.g. Acrobat Reader, which is free and available on all platforms) and has been tested on different devices with different operating systems but the best experience is obtained the larger the display screen.

The price is 15€ (payment by PayPal to the account afvplanet@gmail.com). If you are interested send me an email to afvplanet@gmail.com and I will send you download instructions. This book is a work made with love and illusion. I hope you like it, but if you don't, or you have any technical difficulty to see it, just tell me and your money will be refunded. Each copy of the book is numbered, registered and therefore unique.

And remember that volume 1 of AFV Planet - Articles is always available (more info here)

This is the table of contents of the book:

And these are some sample pages (of course, the watermarks do not appear in the book):

Don't miss out on your copy, order now at afvplanet@gmail.com

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